Patrick D. McCaslin Interview, 25 February 2001

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PM:Don't know. If he told us that, I don't know. The only memory I have is that it was lit in some fashion when it was over top of 'em, and my impression is that it was very close to their vehicle, and that they were scared to death. And that at the point they saw—these Air Policemen saw our aircraft taking off or doing a low approach—they didn't know which, at the base, my impression is it was off to their left, that this thing went dark and began to climb in the direction of our aircraft.
INT:Almost as if it saw you coming and changed its point of interest?
INT:How else do you interpret that?
PM:"Got these guys under control—let's take these ones that are moving."
INT:Yeah, 'We scared the hell out of them, let's go scare the hell out of them.'
PM:Right. 'There's a navigator there half asleep. Let's go wake him up.'
INT:Yeah. And that's all you remember about that security incident?
PM:Yeah. I don't remember any more about that. Just the inner alarm and outer alarm thing, and I knew it was a big deal, you know?
INT:Let me try and throw this out and see if this rings any bells—did he mention anything about any damage to the missile site--out there that they located a—?
PM:Not to my memory. May have but I just don't remember.
PM:I wish the investigators had been as thorough in their investigation as—I wish they'd asked some of the same questions you're asking and gotten it recorded at the time.
INT:Well, let's talk about Werlich , because Colonel Werlich was the UFO Project officer at the time. The Air Force was under Air Force Regulation 80-17, which meant they had to have an Air Force officer [who] did the investigations on-site and reported back to the UFO Project at Wright-Pat. Werlich had never done a UFO investigation. This was the first for him so he wasn't quite sure what to do. Now, in the documents he talked about getting you to go back out to the landing site. They never did them?

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