Patrick D. McCaslin Interview, 25 February 2001

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PM:They were in the same operation—the same building where the tower was. But I don't remember much of anything about that except that they picked up the film. The film was picked up there. And all of us were tired. We were beat. We'd been at it all...all day and we were ready to go home and the next thing I remember is going home and telling my wife that—waking her up—Sammy, she still tells me this—I woke her up and said, "You're never gonna believe what I saw tonight," and I told her all about it—what I remembered of it and then I went to sleep. I was bushed, and she was up the rest of the night looking out, wondering what's out there and everything. And we'd just had our son a couple weeks before that, so I don't know. She was pretty tense the rest of the night.
INT:Oh yeah.
PM:But then we were summoned to the Division Commander's office.
INT:At what point did they summon you?
PM:I'm thinking the next day.
INT:Oh, they gave you a call on the phone?
PM:Yeah, well I think I was probably called by the AC. I don't remember the mechanics of it, but the whole crew was asked to meet with the Division Commander, and I think it was the next day. The Division Commander—I couldn't remember his name at the time, but I've since been told that it was Bull Thompson?
INT:Well that's what Goduto remembers.
PM:Well, no. Maybe that's not correct then. Holland. That was his name.
PM:Holland. Ralph Holland. That's his name.
INT:I believe that's right 'cause he was a Colonel at that time.
PM:No, he was a Brigadier.
INT:He became a Brigadier [General]. He was a Colonel at the time of the incident and they promoted him shortly after.
PM:The Division Commander's position was a Brigadier position.

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