Patrick D. McCaslin Interview, 25 February 2001

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happened, but the tower either lost our transmission to them, or we lost contact with the tower, but we did not have two-way communications with the tower anymore.
INT:And at what point did you realize that was the case?
PM:That happened as soon as I called up—right about the time I called up and said, "This thing's a mile off our left wing."
INT:A ways into—this things chasing you behind for—
PM:It's staying right with us as we descend.
INT:—for a period of time, but when you start to do your descent for approach, that's when your radio's go down?
PM:No. We started the descent; it stayed 3 miles off our left wing. At some point during the descent it moved into a mile. And just from one scan to the next—and at that point, we lost two-way communications with the tower.
PM:I can't remember exactly whether we could not hear them, or we could hear them and they couldn't hear us, but we did not have two-way communication. That continued—
INT:You could hear them they couldn't hear you. That's the way it was.
INT:And also they—everybody made this comment, 'cause they'd never heard this before, and I think they'd had an accident a couple weeks earlier having to do with some radio problems, so they were interested in this, but they said, the first time they'd ever heard, or it was really strange for them to hear your transmission would break off in mid-word, so it wasn't like static. The thing would just cut, you know?
PM:Yeah. Now I think Tom Goduto, the EW—my memory is, and I don't know whether it was at this time during the flight or subsequently, when we were doing the debriefing, but Tom mentioned that he got some strange readings on his gear at about the time these transmission problems were developing with the tower. But I remember something about Tom coming up with some strange stuff on his gear at about the same time.
INT:And saying something to you at the time, or—

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