Patrick D. McCaslin Interview, 25 February 2001

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pilot, he was 37 at the time. Our guess is you were just checking him out on landing approach and so forth. That's what he tends to remember too. Does that make any sense?
PM:That could be. I mean, I don't know. He may have come from another B-52 squadron. I don't know. And just needed local area familiarization. Sometimes we got people from other aircraft, like the old B-47 was phasing out, and the B-58 Hustler was phasing out around that time, and sometimes we get people from other systems like that who came to—or from other models, and sometimes, even within the B-52 community, the difference between an H model, which they had at Minot, and, say, an E model or an F model was quite a bit different, so it looked the same pretty much outwardly, but the equipment—
INT:You were flying all H's there, though weren't you?
PM:All H's, but he may have come from an F model or something like the D model unit. So it could've been a local area checkout and I don't know this for a fact not being a pilot at that time, but I would think that the checkout on the airplane would have come at Castle or at one of the crew prep—and that this would've been a local area familiarization, you know, approaches at Minot and things like that. But that's just my conjecture. I probably knew very well at the time what it is, but my 59 year-old head doesn't remember right now.
PM:I know that our crew was intact. We had all of our crewmembers on that aircraft, plus the AC who was being evaluated or trained or whatever was going on.
INT:And again, his name is James Partin—Jack Partin, you guys called him?
INT:You remember Jack Partin?
PM:I remember the name Jack Partin. I can't put a face with it right now.
INT:Nice guy. I like Jack. Doesn't remember a lot. I don't think he wanted to retain a lot of that, and it wasn't his crew either. You know, it wasn't his normal crew, so it was like, and he didn't go to the briefings and so forth.
PM:But he was in the position to see it.
INT:Exactly. And he does collaborate Runyon's visual.

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