Patrick D. McCaslin Interview, 25 February 2001

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PM:No. Would've been a good idea.
INT:I mean an overlay? They should've re-plotted your flight path, they should've coordinated all the security sightings and so forth. As far as you know that never happened?
PM:No. Would've been a great thing to do that's what needed to be done. When you have, you know, three different sources, basically—the aircraft, the Air Policemen, and the missileers—to try to coordinate all their memories and the times of these various memories to see if they could come up with some commonalities there. Positions, times and so forth from the three sources. Never done. Why? I don't know. I'll just give you an impression. I know that within a year or so after that incident, Project Blue Book was shut down.
PM:And I've been around, you know, you heard my career. I've been around the Air Force long enough to know that you don't just get a phone call one day and say, "This is the end of your mission," or "The base is closing." You know that's coming for some time.
INT:Oh, you bet.
PM:So I'm not—and again, this is just my opinion—
INT:These guys knew it was coming for about 20 years—
PM:There were people, I'm sure, in that position—there were people in that business who knew this was—I'm sure at that point they were not interested in anything that would lengthen the day that that project had to stay around any longer. So I'm not sure that there was any great urgency to investigate this thing for—
INT:Well they wouldn't do it at that point in time, they weren't doing any field investigations. The UFO Project officer was responsible for supplying them with the data. They'd do an analysis—FTD—they'd sit there at their desk and do an analysis and they'd ship the answer back and that'd be the end of it.
INT:That's what happened—plasma, or the star Sirius, you know?
PM: I did see that and the star, is, I think, Vega or Sirius or—that's ridiculous.

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