Richard Clark Interview, 11 July 2003

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TT:Oh, so you were doing all the projective targeting?
RC:Well, I shouldn't say we did the targeting. A target was picked out and we did all the work as to how they were going to get there, where to drop their bombs, and we actually did scope photos so that: 'this is how it's going to look on your radar scope,' and, you know—
TT:So each crew would train on that.
RC:Yes. And we did it for all the different crews that were up there.
TT:Were they training on that specific information when they were doing their training flights?
RC:On the normal training flights there would be places that they would supposedly bomb, OK?
TT:Were two of those places St. George and Bismarck—were those bombsites?
RC:I don't remember, one of them was Lexington, Kentucky.
TT:Let me ask you [TT pointing to bomb scope photo on desk]. Here it says Bismarck and St. George. And I'm just wondering if that's what that means. Do you know what those two refer to?
RC:No, not off the top of my head. Although they could have been making a bombing run on that. OK, yeah they could, because they would bomb different targets every time they went up, and then we scored them on how accurate their bombs were. And also they had what was referred to as Operational Readiness Inspections twice a year. And they'd have specific targets that they would be required to bomb for those ORI's, and then they were evaluated on those.
TT:Right, and that's how they got their place in the hierarchy.
RC:Yeah, right, one was bombing Lexington Nebraska, and also Cozad, Nebraska on one of the ORI's. But we scored their radar every single day, you know, not every plane's going to go up every day, but I mean, we were scoring radar every day.
TT:What was the process for doing that, what was the procedure?
RC:OK. We would get negative film, we would not get this [indicating the radarscope positive photographic prints], we would get negative film and there were film readers that we would put this up on, and basically, you're gonna get the radar returns, I mean, you don't see it on here [again indicating scope photos] but a town is going to give a radar return, metal silos are going to give radar returns. They would be assigned to bomb a

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