Arlie E. Judd Interview, 27 February 2001

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AJ:Well after we land, you go to debriefing, and—
INT:Do you have stuff you have to turn in?
AJ:Yes, you had paperwork—every crew position had papers that would go to maintenance and tell 'em if there was any repair work needed to be done to the system.
INT:So you went into your maintenance debriefing?
AJ:Maintenance debriefing—and you'd have the maintenance guy there that was responsible for your particular system and he would take your piece of paper, but then he'd also take down notes of any oral trans—anything that you'd have to pass back and forth that would clarify what you'd written down, if needed.
INT:Okay. Now are there any other film capabilities on that plane besides the radar, you know, besides the navigator's camera on the scope? Did you have a camera?
AJ:No I did not, and the only other camera is a bomb camera, and it's back just aft of the bomb bay and I think it was called the O-16 or something, but it had these great big doors that opened up and it had a window about this wide and they could take, I think they call it the damage assessment capability and they can take pictures of the bomb as it went off, or whatever damage took place.
INT:Who was responsible for that camera?
AJ:A navigator. The radar or the navigator had the controls to that camera.
INT:You just hit a button?
AJ:Hit a button and the doors open and the set...and a film was set up to take an exposure every so many seconds. That would've—
INT:So from 20,000 feet you could—
AJ:Oh yeah, pretty good resolution, it would've been good to use.
INT:'Cause you drop a bomb from what, 20—
AJ:Or 30 or 35 or higher, yeah. And it would take pictures of—
INT:Would that camera work at 1200 feet?

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