Arlie E. Judd Interview, 27 February 2001

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AJ:Yeah, you could look back over your shoulder and you could see the window out front. That's true.
INT:You could see what, the pilots shoulders?
AJ:Right, probably about 10-12 feet of room between where our positions were and the pilots positions.
INT:Now, so then the navigators go down the hatch, and they're right underneath you?
AJ:No, they were underneath the pilots. They were forward. And then the area behind the navigator's was where they had a lot of equipment.
INT:They were really in the dark.
AJ:They were totally, yes. After they got the infrared systems on there, they had an ability to see. The TV scope would allow them to see what was out in front of 'em, but until then, they were just as blind as we were upstairs. You know, there were no windows.
INT:Does it get claustrophobic flying on—?
AJ:Well, I never did have that problem, but you can get up and move around. I mean you weren't chained to your seat or anything.
INT:We were talking about your radarscope—how was your radar system designated.
AJ:Yeah, the ASG-21.
INT:Now, so the radar navigator, their system was ASQ—
AJ:ASQ, that's right. 'Q' was for bombing and navigation, and 'G' was a gunnery system and the EW system was ALT, which were transmitters.
INT:So you had 3 radar systems on board?
AJ:No, we had 2. Bomb nav and a gunnery, and the ECM system was receivers and transmitters, but he could pick up signals and he could see what kind of signal it was and he could evaluate it and then know what to do to jam it. But his sy—you know, what he was seeing was just radar energy striking the aircraft, we would project radar energy and get the return back and process it.

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