William E. Smith Interview, 11 July 2001(a)
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Now, do you think it would be reasonable to guess—I don't want to say the word "assume," but guess that this targeting crew was at the place where the camper team was at?
Yes, yes.
Okay. Now, that was Oscar-6.
Right. As a matter of fact, we did have a camper as I recall. We did have a camper on there because they were working inside, and the team was, I guess, surprised. As a matter of fact, if you could find out who that was, the camper crew member I think also saw what the targeting crew saw. He called the people from downstairs as a matter of fact.
Well, we do have one report that this object, being a large object—came down very close over the top of a two-man team somewhere. It came very close to them and that they were extremely frightened by this event and there was damage to the vehicle in the form of blistered paint on the roof.
Oh, really? Okay.
I have one person who is saying this. And they just heard it, you know. It's one of those things that I want to ask about but it isn't solid yet.
The only thing that I know about, we did have maintenance going on and it was a targeting team from my understanding, and the captain told the capsule crew that he was not staying on that site any longer and they buttoned up and left.
Right. Well, you know, I listen to talk radio. I listen to Art Bell. As a matter of fact, I was visiting his site the other night because of some things that I had heard on there, and I often think about this because people are calling in with their experiences.
Right. And we were of course told not to talk about this, and I know that as time has gone by people still anecdotally discuss it. We were told not to discuss it with the press...and not to talk to anyone else because it was classified. From what I understand, someone from Washington, and this may be in your report or it may not be, but somebody from D.C. or maybe Wright-Patterson came and spent some time on our sites out there.
Did you have a report of that?
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