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Sign Oral History Project

Oral History Interview with
Bradford Runyon, Jr. (USAF Captain, ret.)

B-52 Co-pilot, 5th Bombardment Wing
Minot AFB, 24 October 1968

Date: 5 May 2000
Interviewers: Thomas Tulien and Jan Aldrich

TRT: 1:00 hour
Format: BETA-SP (two tapes-third tape includes photos only)

Copyright: AFS/Dialogue Productions LLC, Minneapolis, MN, and the Sign Oral History Project.
Transcription by the National Institute for Discovery Science, with additional editing by Thomas Tulien.

This is a transcript of a tape-recorded interview conducted for the Sign Oral History Project and is essentially a transcript of the spoken, rather than the written word.

This oral history transcript may be read, quoted from, cited, and reproduced for purposes of research. It may not be published in whole or part except by permission of the copyright holder.

Thomas Tulien
Sign Oral History Project

BR: Bradford Runyan
INT: Tom Tulien and Jan Aldrich


—very exciting meeting one of those up in the air. You know, not knowing about it.


Okay. I think I'm ready.




We're guessing you must have gone into the Air Force in '55 or something—


No. Okay, I graduated from High School in '60, and college in '65 and I went in right after that.

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