Robert Michael O'Connor Interview, 23 February 2005
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TT: | If those 106's came over before the SAT team came down 'cause those guys didn't see it. | |
MO: | They didn't see it either? | |
TT: | They didn't, they would've been on the road at least. | |
MO: | Right, they would have had some visual on the 106's. I want to say yes... you know, I'm going back 37 years with all that stuff going on trying to figure it out. I know that we called in, we patched into the tower, and I know that we talked to them. | |
TT: | [Referring to Werlich's map indicating the location that O'Connor first saw the object] that would have been Werlich who prepared this. But that must have been where he thought you first saw it, right at that intersection? | |
MO: | Yeah, there was a, it looked like there was a farm over here, a light for a farm over here. Now I don't think that light existed when we came back out. | |
TT: | You didn't go to N-1? | |
MO: | No | |
TT: | so you were either at [N-] 8 or coming from the base which | |
MO: | We could've been coming from [N-] 8. | |
TT: | If you came from the base, would you go up here and come around? | |
MO: | No, we had to follow what they call TE [Transporter-Erector] routes you do not deviate off TE routes and they did that because they started having a lot of accidents and they put out a thing said, "You will stay on TE because they'd get out here and get off these roads and they'd get into accidents or they'd get lost or something. | |
TT: | To get here, you probably had to go all the way up? | |
MO: | We went all the way up here all the way over down, like this, we probably went November-8, did something there and then come down this road to [N-] 7. | |
TT: | So, and where do you think you were when you first saw the object? | |
MO: | Right up here. | |
TT: | And you were seeing it right over here? | |
MO: | It would have been off to this side here and then it followed us down. | |
TT: | So it followed you down all the way | |
MO: | All the way and then it was out in here. | |
TT: | Did you ever see... oh, I got another question for you, I'm glad I thought of this... | |
MO: | Um hum. | |
TT: | Just tell me what you think that he's saying here. He's identifying where the aircraft overflew the object OK? "This is where the aircraft saw the object. There's farm fields there, there's nothing there that would produce this type of light, the same for O'Connor and Isley from November-7 which is near Grano. I have gone over that area with a chopper. This weekend, I would like to go down with a Geiger counter and go down to Oscar-7 break-in. I (Col. Werlich) think you will find that the most information comes |
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