Robert Michael O'Connor Interview, 23 February 2005

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I was born and raised in Altoona, Pennsylvania, went to school there 'til 10th grade, moved to Maryland in 1962 and attended Duvall High School where I graduated. The year after I graduated I enlisted in the Air Force in 1966.


Was the number system in play then?


Yeah, I received my notification that I was going to be drafted so I enlisted in the Air Force for four years and went to basic training in August—


You didn't want to go to the Army?


No, I didn't want to go to the Army (laughs). Ended up taking a test when I went in basic training for bypass tech school, I was in the apprenticeship electrician's union before I went in the service and they needed electricians so they sent me to Minot North Dakota. My first duties up there were in the PRIDE Building where I took care of all the electrical problems they had.


After the SAGE was out? Originally it was constructed for the SAGE System? [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment].


Right, it was a pretty dingy building; there were no windows in it.


Yeah, there was just a big computer but that wasn't in there at the time?


No, it wasn't.


What were they doing with that building then?


They turned it into an administrative building. That's where all the administrative offices were and everything. I was there for approximately three months and then I was pulled into the shop to go on night duty in which we made repairs at night, emergency repairs around the base, in the housing area—


You were working nights?


Well yeah, it was once every third night, I was on the night shift for I guess going on about 8-10 months and then I got drafted by the 455th Missile Wing.


What do you mean drafted?


Well, they needed electricians who were qualified and I...


And you went in as an Airman Second Class?


Yeah, well no, I was just Airman Basic when I got up to North Dakota. After 8 to 10 months in the Electric Shop then got drafted by the missile wing, then they pulled me in there and started doing tests on the bench, fixing various [things] that they used at the missile sites. Then I started doing standby, which I had to carry tools and clothes and whatnot with me. I had 30 minutes to get to the base ready to go. A lot of the trips out to the missile sites were done by helicopter, which, you know, you just jump on there and you go. After a certain period of time, I forget how long it was, they put me on a Facilities Maintenance Team, which I was still doing standby, a lot of standby seemed like I had every—


So you were always on standby seven days a week?

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