Patrick D. McCaslin Interview, 25 February 2001

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PM:Because he asked a lot of very, you know, very insightful questions. He listened very intently, and I don't think if he was disinterested he would've done that.
INT:Yeah. Now, did he at any point mention any similar incidents that had occurred?
PM:No. Not to my memory. He may have. I don't want to say he didn't, but I can't remember.
INT:Let me throw this in there—Brad remembered this after the fact—he seemed to remember that they were told that there had been an incident a week or two previously, at another facility? And Brad's memory's kind of messy on this, but he said it was 600 miles from Minot at White Sands, which doesn't make sense, but that's his recall. Do you remember anything like that?
PM:I don't.
INT:Okay. Just checking.
PM:I'm not saying Brad's wrong about that, but I just don't remember it. He may be right. I haven't seen Brad since I left the crew, but Brad was a very sharp guy. I don't want to say anything to get Brad mad at me, but at the risk of that, Brad was so straight, I mean, he was the kind of guy that was gonna do his job and he was gonna do it the best he could and it really doesn't matter, you know, he was Dudley Do-right. I mean, he was a sharp, straight guy and—
INT:Tom [Goduto] says the same thing.
PM:Yeah, and he would have told what he saw without regard to political implications or job. I don't think Brad had—I mean, he wanted to do as well as he could, but he wanted to do it for the right reasons. Just the kind you'd want to be in the position he was in. So I wouldn't dispute anything Brad said. I mean if he said he heard that I wouldn't say he didn't. I just don't have a memory of it myself.
INT:Okay. How long did the briefing—debriefing last?
PM:Oh, I'd say we were in there about an hour.
INT:And where did it occur? Do you remember the office?
PM:In his office—General Holland's office.

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